Work Experience
Quality Assurance Intern
Researched different mobile app automated testing frameworks. Created automated and manual tests for Karmak's mobile app and enterprise level application. Performed smoke and revalidation tests on the enterprise level application.
Detox • BrowserStack • Appium • Azure DevOps
Software Engineer Intern
In this role I worked with team members to create automated testing utilites. I also utilized Genesys's classes and learned about Python and machine learning.,
Java • Selenium • Jenkins • Groovy
2021 - 2022
Indiana University Kokomo
Indiana University Web Design Team
Collaborated with fellow students to learn vanills HTML, JS, and CSS and research other frameworks such as React, Node, and Angular. Built projects using our knowledge of web design in multiple languages and frameworks.
Angular • TypeScript • Node • React

For this project, I assisted in helping build the API for the inference tool. This tool is a basic inference engine housing different models to help teach the basics of inference and LLM's to students.
Python • HuggingFace • Vanilla JS • HTML • CSS

For this project, I created a basic tap game that uses an SQLite3 database, storing player data such as taps and username and displaying the top 10 scores in a separate activity. Additionally, it utilizes the Retrofit library to send API requests and Flask to handle them.
Android Studio • Kotlin • Python • SQLite3 • Flask

My first side project, where I took what I learned from the IUK web team and classes at AU and built the frontend and backend for this site as well as created the tests for. The purpose of this site was to create a potential tool to help athletic trainers and students fill out Patient Outcome Reported Measure forms.
Angular • Python • MySQL • Pytest • PlayWright